Taking the guesswork out of filing a Workers Compensation claim in North Carolina

May 3, 2023 12:51 am

Taking the guesswork out of filing a Workers Compensation claim in North Carolina

Taking the guesswork out of filing a Workers Compensation claim in North Carolina

In an era where technological advancements have simplified many processes, why does filing a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina still involve navigating complex paperwork and confusing jargon? How can the system be further streamlined to ensure injured workers receive the benefits they’re entitled to without unnecessary delays or obstacles?

When you suffer from an injury on the job, the last thing you need is to navigate the labyrinth of filing a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina. Complex paperwork, confusing jargon, and a lack of understanding about the process can make it difficult to ensure you receive the benefits you’re entitled to. In this article, we’ll take the guesswork out of filing your claim by answering frequently asked questions and providing useful analogies and statistics. By the end, you’ll know the importance of having a professional like attorney Perry Morrison on your side to secure the best possible outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Think of Workers’ Compensation as a safety net. It’s an insurance program designed to provide financial assistance to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In North Carolina, most employers are required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs for their injured employees.

Am I eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits?

In North Carolina, you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if you are an employee who suffered a work-related accident or illness. It’s crucial to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible and file a claim within the specified time frame. Independent contractors and some agricultural workers may not be covered under Workers’ Compensation laws.

How do I file a Workers’ Compensation claim in North Carolina?

Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be likened to assembling a puzzle. Each piece of information and documentation you provide is essential for building a compelling case. Begin by notifying your employer in writing as soon as possible but try to do so within 30 days of your injury. Your employer should then file a Form 19 with the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC). You can also file a Form 18 to officially start your claim with the NCIC.

What benefits am I entitled to?

Workers’ Compensation benefits in North Carolina typically cover medical expenses, wage replacement, and disability benefits. The specific amounts depend on the severity of your injury and your ability to return to work.

Can I be fired for filing a Workers’ Compensation claim?

No. It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for filing a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina. If you believe you have been unfairly dismissed, consult with an attorney to discuss your options.

What happens if my claim is denied?

Don’t lose hope if your claim is initially denied. You have the right to appeal the decision by requesting a hearing with the NCIC. It’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney to assist you with the appeals process.

Analogies to Help Understand the Process:

Analogies to Help Understand the Process:

Navigating the Workers’ Compensation process is like learning a new language. You’ll encounter terms and concepts that may seem foreign, but having an experienced attorney as your translator can help you understand the process and make informed decisions.

Think of your Workers’ Compensation claim as a story. Each piece of documentation and evidence is a chapter, and the more detailed and accurate your story, the better your chances of obtaining the benefits you deserve.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, there were 2.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported in the United States.

In North Carolina, the NCIC reported 49,921 workers’ compensation claims in 2019.

A study by the Workers Compensation Research Institute revealed that in North Carolina, only 55% of injured workers were satisfied with their overall medical care, highlighting the importance of having a professional advocate to ensure you receive the best possible care and benefits.

Challenges That Prevent a Favorable Outcome:

Flubbing your telephone statement: This is the top reason that claims are denied. The insurance adjusters are trained to ask you trick question. Do not allow your conversation to be recorded without a knowledgeable attorney present.

Lack of understanding: Many injured workers are unaware of their rights and the workers’ compensation process, leading to mistakes in filing claims, missed deadlines, and inadequate documentation. This can result in a denied claim or receiving fewer benefits than deserved.

Inadequate documentation: A strong claim requires thorough documentation of your injury, medical treatment, and any correspondence with your employer or the insurance company. Missing or incomplete records can make it difficult to prove your case and may lead to a less favorable outcome.

Employer disputes: Some employers may dispute the validity of your claim, arguing that your injury is not work-related or that you didn’t report the injury in a timely manner. This can lead to delays in processing your claim or even a denial of benefits.

Insurance company tactics: Workers’ compensation insurance companies are often focused on minimizing their financial exposure. They may challenge the extent of your injuries or try to deny your claim altogether, making it more difficult for you to receive the benefits you deserve.

Inexperienced representation: Attempting to navigate the complex workers’ compensation system without the guidance of an experienced attorney can put you at a disadvantage. A knowledgeable advocate can help you avoid pitfalls, gather necessary evidence, and represent your best interests throughout the process.


Taking the guesswork out of filing a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina is crucial to securing the benefits you’re entitled to. By understanding frequently asked questions, using analogies to clarify the process, and knowing the challenges you may face, you’ll be better prepared to take action.

Attorney Perry Morrison of North Carolina is a professional who specializes in handling Workers’ Compensation claims. With his experience, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the system and overcome the challenges that often prevent injured workers from attaining a favorable outcome. Don’t leave your claim to chance; reach out to attorney Perry Morrison today and take the first step toward getting the support and compensation you deserve.

Overcoming Obstacles: A North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Case Study

In this case study, we will explore a real-life example of a worker injured in North Carolina who successfully navigated the workers’ compensation process with the help of attorney Perry Morrison. We will detail the challenges faced, the steps taken to overcome these obstacles, and the ultimate outcome achieved.


John Smith, a 42-year-old construction worker in Raleigh, North Carolina, suffered a severe back injury while lifting heavy equipment on a job site. The injury left John with constant pain, limited mobility, and an inability to continue his work. Unsure of his rights and the workers’ compensation process, John sought the assistance of attorney Perry Morrison to help him file his claim.


Timely reporting: John initially hesitated to report his injury to his employer, fearing potential retaliation. This delay made it difficult to establish a clear timeline of events and could have resulted in the denial of his claim.

Inadequate documentation: Due to his limited understanding of the workers’ compensation process, John did not keep thorough records of his medical appointments, treatments, and communication with his employer. He also flubbed his recorded statement.

Disputed claim: John’s employer disputed the claim, arguing that the injury was pre-existing and not directly related to his work.

Insurance company tactics: The Workers’ Compensation insurance company challenged the severity of John’s injury and the necessity of certain medical treatments, attempting to minimize the benefits payable.

Actions Taken by Attorney Perry Morrison:

Actions Taken by Attorney Perry Morrison:

John’s claim was meticulously documented, with attorney Morrison gathering all necessary medical records, witness statements, and correspondence to support the claim.

Attorney Morrison promptly filed a Form 18 with the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC) to officially start John’s claim and ensure that all deadlines were met. Attorney Morrison also filed a form 33 requesting a hearing.

To counter the employer’s dispute, attorney Morrison presented compelling evidence, including medical expert testimony, establishing a direct connection between John’s injury and his job responsibilities.

Attorney Morrison effectively negotiated with the insurance company, providing evidence of the severity of John’s injury and the necessity of his medical treatments, ensuring that John received the appropriate benefits.


Through the diligent efforts of attorney Perry Morrison, John’s Workers’ Compensation claim was approved. John received compensation for his medical expenses, lost wages, and ongoing disability benefits. With the financial support provided by his Workers’ Compensation benefits, John was able to focus on his recovery and explore new career opportunities in a less physically demanding field.


John’s case demonstrates the importance of seeking professional legal representation when navigating the complex Workers’ Compensation system in North Carolina. Attorney Perry Morrison’s experience and dedication were instrumental in overcoming the challenges presented in John’s case, ultimately securing the benefits he deserved. This case study highlights the value of having an experienced attorney like Perry Morrison on your side to ensure the best possible outcome for your Workers’ Compensation claim.

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